    HomeCryptocurrenciesBitcoinYour exchange platform is worse than a bank. Send your bitcoin to your hardware...

    Your exchange platform is worse than a bank. Send your Bitcoin to your hardware wallet to access the world's best bank

    After reaching 100 million users in September 2020, bitcoin surpassed 200 million in 2022,  to reach approximately 219 million users by 31 December 2022 Mr.

    I'm still talking about predictions, because you know it's impossible to know the exact number of bitcoin users. You can know the number of active addresses on the network and then make various estimates using data from the exchange platforms to arrive at a ballpark figure.

    If you use the same calculation method every year, you can at least see a trend. The trend is that bitcoin adoption continues block by block at a rate that still puts bitcoin on its trajectory to reach one billion users by 2030.

    You know, it's possible to make raw numbers say anything and everything. It's all about interpretation.

    For example, when you look at the figure of 219 million bitcoin users, you'd think that's a huge number for a leaderless P2P system that was launched just 14 years ago. Indeed, the growth in the number of bitcoin users over the years is impressive. It's even more impressive because Bitcoin has never received support from governments or private investment bankers.

    Bitcoin has grown thanks to its users, who realize how lucky they are to have such a system at their disposal, and who see it as their mission to help the bitcoin revolution realize its full potential for the world in the future.

    But if you take that figure of 219 million users and compare it to the number of people on Earth, which has surpassed 8 billion by the end of 2022, you would think that only 2.7% of the Earth's population owns bitcoin units. That's not a lot after all!

    And of those 219 million, how many understand why it's bitcoin?

    10%? Even less?

    If we take the figure of 10%, it would make only 21.9 million people in the world understand why it is bitcoin. Only 0.27% of the world's population would understand the reason for bitcoin.

    If you buy bitcoin in 2023, you're still an early adopter!

    The 2022 bear market with all the fiascos we've seen, from Terra Luna to Celsius Network to FTX, will provide a necessary and welcome cleansing of the cryptocurrency industry. It will allow a growing number of people in the general public to understand this basic truth:

    Bitcoin!= Crypto . Bitcoin is different from cryptocurrency, for those who wouldn't master the logical comparison operators :D.

    Additionally, it became obvious when FTX sold fake bitcoin units to its customers that you had to have the private keys for your bitcoin to own it.

    Not your keys, not your bitcoin - FTX was selling fake BTC to its users "

    Not your keys, not your bitcoins " is a meme I keep repeating. I even created a website about it to help as many people as possible realize that this meme is there to describe reality.

    You absolutely must have the personal keys for your bitcoin to take full advantage of everything the bitcoin system has to offer.

    Buying bitcoin will protect you from the endless monetary expansion of the US dollar and fiat currencies, but if you don't have your personal keys, you won't know if you really own bitcoin or what is now called paper bitcoin, to draw a parallel with paper gold.

    Gold is a scarce store of value, but not paper gold, which is only a promise that engages only those who believe in it...

    With bitcoin stored on an exchange platform, you will face the same problem. You are trusting a third party who can censor you at any time.

    The year 2022 will make more people aware of the problem of bitcoin sovereignty:

    This chart shows that 1/5 of the BTC units present on the exchange platforms on January 1, 2022, left the platforms during the year, with a clear acceleration during the FTX scam in November 2022.

    That's good, but it's not enough!

    Too many people still forget that exchange platforms are even worse than their banks. For the most part, they have even fewer regulatory restrictions. They can censor you like banks, but they can manipulate your money and lie to you in even easier ways. What happened to FTX in November 2022 is telling enough that I don't need to go into it.

    Therefore, you absolutely must continue the movement that started in 2022. You need to take back control of your bitcoin. You must take back your personal keys.

    By withdrawing your bitcoin units from the exchanges, you will gain access to the best bank in the world: yourself! And yes, who can you trust more than yourself?

    This may sound intimidating to some, but you'll find it easy to use hardware wallets like those offered by leading brands Trezor and Ledger. There are other solutions, but I have always been happy with the products from these two brands, which is why I am not afraid to recommend them.

    Last year I wrote an article for comparison:

    “ Trezor vs Ledger - Which is the best hardware wallet to use with Bitcoin? „

    It's still on the market, and Ledger has since even released a new model, the Stax, which the French manufacturer hopes will become what the iPod was to the music world in the 2000s.

    These devices come at a price, but I see this as the price I have to pay to ensure the security of the fruits of my labour. I think you should see it the same way.

    For those of you who are still hesitant to take over the private keys of your bitcoin, I hope this article has given you some arguments to head in the right direction and take the power away from the exchange platforms. If you want to take power over your money, you need to have your private keys. The other advantage I didn't mention earlier is that by removing your bitcoin from the exchanges, you will increase its scarcity on the spot market, which will mechanically increase its price.

    So if you have no intention of selling, this is something that can only be of benefit to you.

    It's up to you, as always.

    PS:  If you're already leaning towards a hardware wallet from Ledger, follow this link:

    Ledger Nano S Plus / Ledger Nano X / Ledger Nano Stax

    PS2:  If you're already leaning towards a hardware wallet from Trezor, follow these links:

    Safe One  | Safe T

    If you're worried that bitcoin hasn't bottomed and that's stopping you, read this.


    Stop looking down in fear. Instead, look up with hope.


    Don't take for granted the words of bitcoiners who tell you that bitcoin is an amazing monetary revolution, but verify it for yourself by developing the knowledge to build your own truth about bitcoin.

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