1. Blockchain, the new digital money system, uses the IEEE 802 protocols, which are possible based on the human WBAN, which translates to Wireless Body Network, and the wireless body network is basically connected to the digital currency through BIOSENSORS.
IEEE 802 is a family of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) standards for local area networks (LANs), personal area networks (PANs), and metropolitan area networks (MANs).

2. Simultaneously, IEEE protocols connect the human WBAN to medical services, with the goal of digital medicine to diagnose, measure vital signs, and perform TREATMENT through embedded nanotechnology.

3. At a hidden level, before the medical services receive all possible measurements of your body, the signal passes through the military and their headquarters using quantum computers. And all data is included in a single system of control, tracking, monitoring and targeting, where technologies such as satellites, drones, nanodrones and radars, lidars and others are used.

This is how the financial, medical and military industries will merge in the control over our bodies, and in order for this to be effectively carried out, they need to soak our bodies with biosensors.
Through medicines, vaccines, aerosol, food, water.
And no one asked us if we agreed!
Everyone hides their intentions: doctors, military, corporations, states, supranational organizations.
They are lying to us about the origin of CORONA, they are lying to us about the content of vaccines, they are lying to us about aerosols, they are lying to us about the need for 15 minute cities, they are lying to us about the need to introduce a new diet and lifestyle, citing unreal reasons. Because the real ones are not in our interest!
We have no interest in nanotechnology controlling our bodies, monitoring our condition, we have no interest in crypto-currencies flowing through our tissues and being in the crosshairs of corporations and the military who, accusing us of whatever they decide, could dispose of us in seconds!