It was discovered with a search finding ethereum addresses that crypto addresses are now searchable on Google.
Google has enough user data to link crypto wallet addresses to people. So when you receive the information, it will be published without worrying about privacy. This can let everyone know everything about your assets.
This includes crypto-unfriendly political figures, corrupt people and thieves; they may know everything about the wallet and the transactions it makes. People should worry about this because their assets will be at risk.
If governments force the platform to disclose the owner of the address, the problem will become more complicated. A public company like Coinbase certainly does. Celsius has also been ordered by the US court system to make the information public.
How to avoid this danger:
When you create an Ether address, you get 42 characters and a private key that only you have. Furthermore, the address and you are not connected. Without the key, the wallet is also not yours. But whoever shares their data by registering with ENS, the risk is theirs.