I will write straight out that we can issue our own tokens on Ethereum and other related ecosystems without needing to know absolutely anything about programming. Although it may be tiring for people who are less computer literate, but all we have to do is follow the existing guides carefully. Once you have at least a working computer connected to the Internet, you should proceed to these steps:
General steps
There are basically 3 steps, but each step contains many sub-steps and is infinitely expandable.
1. Install DeFi Wallet

Install the extension of the browser Metamask and fill it with local coins like Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Solana and more. Some ecosystems still don't support Metamask, which needs to install its own wallet like Tron and Neo. Anyway, get used to using decentralized finance (DeFi) such as trading on decentralized exchanges (DEX) like Uniswap, farming on Sushiswap, add another remote procedure call (RPC) on Metamask or other regular network and try DeFi applications (Dapp) on other chains .
2. Get and modify the source code of the custom tag generator

If our goal is only to mine a token, then we don't need to learn Solidity or any other programming. Just take the source code and change a few lines where it is recommended today the source code from Open Zeppelin . Usually we change the lines that control the variables to (1) Token Name, (2) Symbol, (3) Decimals and (4) Total Supply or the easiest way right now is to use Open Zeppelin Contract Wizard .
3. Compile and deploy the Smart Contract using the IDE

Remix Integrated Development Environment (IDE) it might not be the choice for pre-development, but just for simple token issuing, it's the best choice, where we usually need to start our own node or connect to other nodes, but Remix IDE did it for us. Another IDE to practice and save our Solidity programming is ETH Fiddle . (1) In the menu section, go to File Explorer, create a .sol extension file and enter the source code and leave it open. (2) Go to the compiler menu and set the compiler to mostly Solidity, but change the version appropriate for the source code, which can be found on the first line. (3) Go to the deployment and run the transaction menu where if you are using Metamask then set the environment to injected web3 and select the source code file in the contract selector and finally compile and deploy.
4. For other ecosystems

As long as the ecosystem is compatible with Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) such as Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Harmony One, Wan Chain, Energi, Tomo Chain and XDAI, the same smart contract can be reused. In other words, just repeat the previous steps but change Metamask's custom network or RPC. Remember that there are testnets for testing before real deployment, because the cost of implementing on Ethereum can be very expensive. Although in other ecosystems they are cheap where for simple programmers like us to just use the mainnet right away, but the testnet still exists for serious developers. Otherwise, if the ecosystem is not compatible with EVM, there is no choice but to go through their documentation and follow their official guide.
Referencing lessons specific to the ecosystem
The purpose of this article is to summarize the token issuance steps of many different ecosystems as written above, and to list the hyperlinks to those guides below for future reference:
- Ethereum: https://forum.openzeppelin.com/t/create-an-erc20-using-remix-without-writing-solidity/2908
- Binance Smart Chain: https://docs.binance.org/smart-chain/developer/issue-BEP20.html
- Polygon: https://moralis.io/how-to-create-a-polygon-token/
- Avalanche: https://docs.avax.network/build/tutorials/smart-digital-assets/create-erc-20-token-on-avalanche-c-chain
- Bitcoin Cash: https://simpleledger.cash/
- Tron: https://developers.tron.network/docs/issuing-trc20-tokens-tutorial
- Solana: https://spl.solana.com/token
- Neo: https://neo-one.io/course
- Terra Luna: https://docs.terraswap.io/docs/howto/token/
- Polkadot Moonbeam: https://docs.moonbeam.network/builders/
- Tomochain: https://docs.tomochain.com/developer-guide/tutorials/how-to-deploy-a-trc21-token-on-tomochain
- Wanchain: https://wandevs.org/docs/smartcontracts/create-token/
- Harmony One: https://docs.harmony.one/home/developers/tutorials/deploying-hrc20
- Cosmos Atom: https://cosmos.network/starport/
- Zilliqa: https://en.cryptonomist.ch/2020/07/11/create-token-on-zilliqa-blockchain/
- Waves: https://docs.waves.tech/en/building-apps/how-to/assets/issue#using-javascript-4
- IOST : https://developers.iost.io/docs/en/3-smart-contract/Token.html
- Eos : https://developers.eos.io/manuals/eosio.contracts/latest/guides/how-to-create-issue-and-transfer-a-token
- Hive: https://hive-engine.com/?p=faq
- Steem: https://smt.steem.com/
- XDAI: https://www.xdaichain.com/for-developers/developer-resources/burner-wallet-factory/mint-a-token-unbacked-on-xdai-in-5-minutes
- Star Lumen: https://developers.stellar.org/docs/issuing-assets/
- Cardano: https://developers.cardano.org/docs/native-tokens/
- QTUM: https://docs.qtum.site/en/QRC20-Token-Introduce.html
- Phantom: https://docs.fantom.foundation/tutorials/create-a-fixed-cap-asset
- Thunder Core: https://thunder-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/index.html
- POA: https://kauri.io/#collections/POA%20Tutorial%20series/poa-part-1-develop-and-deploy-a-smart-contract/
- Arbitrator: https://moralis.io/how-to-create-an-arbitrum-token-in-6-steps/
- Optimism: https://github.com/ethereum-optimism/optimism-tutorial/tree/main/standard-bridge-standard-token
- Purpose: https://docs.celo.org/developer-guide/celo-for-eth-devs
- Ethereum Classic: https://ethereumclassic.org/development/guides
- https://0darkking0.blogspot.com/2021/09/create-cryptocurrency-token-in-almost.html
- https://0fajarpurnama0.medium.com/create-cryptocurrency-token-in-almost-any-defi-ecosystem-without-programming-afc038b5e96c
- https://0fajarpurnama0.github.io/cryptocurrency/2021/08/01/create-cryptocurrency-token
- https://hicc.cs.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/~fajar/cryptocurrency/create-cryptocurrency-token
- https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@fajar.purnama/create-cryptocurrency-token-in-almost-any-defi-ecosystem-without-programming
- https://leofinance.io/@fajar.purnama/create-cryptocurrency-token-in-almost-any-defi-ecosystem-without-programming
- https://blurt.blog/blurtutorials/@fajar.purnama/28cpox-my-blogger-income-august-2021-a-new-daily-routine
- https://0fajarpurnama0.wixsite.com/0fajarpurnama0/post/create-cryptocurrency-token-in-almost-any-defi-ecosystem-without-programming
- http://0fajarpurnama0.weebly.com/blog/create-cryptocurrency-token-in-almost-any-defi-ecosystem-without-programming
- https://read.cash/@FajarPurnama/create-cryptocurrency-token-in-almost-any-defi-ecosystem-without-programming-0e4e094d
- https://www.loop.markets/create-cryptocurrency-token-in-almost-any-defi-ecosystem-without-programming/
- https://markethive.com/0fajarpurnama0/blog/createcryptocurrencytokeninalmostanydefiecosystemwithoutprogramming